About Us

UGUISU is the translation/creative duo of Michiyo Miyake and Nicholas Marshall. Based in Sydney, we offer quality Japanese-English translation, editing, proofreading and sensitivity reading for writers, artists, and academics. We launched an independent publishing label UGUISU BOOKS in 2023.

Michiyo Miyake: Writer and translator, born in Japan and based in Australia. She studied Modernist British/American literature and holds a PhD from Waseda University in Tokyo. She began her career in Japan, publishing articles on British and American literature and culture during the inter-war period. As a translator, she has worked on various literary and contemporary art projects. As a writer, her recent publications include a novella Green Metal: Life in Tokyo during the Nuclear Catastrophe (2024)and spiral history: TIDE (2023), a zine about the history of the islands where Australia’s detention centers are located, in collaboration with the artist Haji Oh.

Nicholas Marshall: Editor and translator based in Sydney. He has a PhD in applied linguistics and was a professor of English for Academic Purposes in the postgraduate school of Meiji University in Tokyo. He taught academic English at Tsuda College and Waseda University in Japan, and Macquarie University in Sydney.

UGUISU (鶯) refers to the Japanese bush warbler. In haiku, a traditional form of Japanese poetry, it’s often associated with spring, marked by its distinctive call.

translation – PORTFOLIO


三宅 美千代:作家、翻訳者。日本出身、オーストラリア・シドニー在住。早稲田大学大学院文学研究科博士後期課程修了。戦間期の英語圏の文学・文化についての文章を執筆するほか、翻訳者として文学や現代アートのさまざまなプロジェクトに関わる。最近著作、2011年の原発事故時東京での生活を記録した英文小説『GREEN METAL(2024)、オーストラリアの難民収容所がある々の歴史をテーマにしたZINEspiral history:TIDE(2023, アーティスト呉夏枝共同制作) などがある

ニコラス・マーシャル:編集者、翻訳者。オーストラリア・シドニー在住。元明治大学大学院教授。応用言語学の博士号をもち、明治大学大学院にて、高等教育機関での研究に必要とされる英語能力(English for Academic Purposes)の指導を担当。津田塾大学や早稲田大学、シドニー・マッコーリー大学でアカデミック英語を教えた経験をもつ。