Michiyo Miyake, Resonating Cities: Gaza, Tokyo, Sydney|poetry/photo zine

A bilingual zine (English/Japanese) comprised of a poem written based on the author’s experiences participating in pro-Palestine demonstrations in Sydney and Tokyo, where the author is based, along with handwoven images created from photos taken during the protests.

Author’s comment:Since October of last year, I have been attending weekend protests in Sydney, opposing the genocide in Palestine. While I had participated in similar protests before—on a much smaller scale when I lived in Tokyo—this has been my first time marching alongside so many people whose relatives and friends are directly impacted by the war. As one of the few East Asian participants, I was often asked why I was there. Though I believe opposing genocide and apartheid is a responsibility all humans share, the question led me to reflect on my personal reasons for being present. This poetry zine is my humble attempt to explore and respond to that question. The images within are created by weaving together photos I took during these protests, and are structured to visually express the voices of support for Palestine that echo through the streets of Sydney each weekend. (Oct 2024)”

Michiyo Miyake: Writer and translator, born in Japan and based in Australia. Her recent publications include a novella Green Metal: Life in Tokyo during the Nuclear Catastrophe (2024) and spiral history: TIDE (2023), a zine about the history of the islands where Australia’s detention centers are located, in collaboration with the artist Haji Oh.



三宅 美千代:作家・翻訳者。日本出身、シドニー在住。最近著作、2011年の原発事故時東京での生活を記録した小説『GREEN METAL(2024)オーストラリアの難民収容所がある々の歴史をテーマにしたZINEspiral history:TIDE(2023, アーティスト呉夏枝共同制作) などがある

2024|147 x 210 x 3mm


Tax included.

Profit from sales will be donated to Palestine Australia Relief and Action (PARA), registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission, dedicated to supporting Palestinian migrants and refugees.

売上の収益は、パレスチナの移民および難民を支援するための活動を行っているPalestine Australia Relief and Action(PARA)に寄付されます。

Kewords: Gaza, Free Palestine, poetry zine, photo weaving

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