Haji Oh/Michiyo Miyake (textus), spiral history: TIDE|Zine.
This zine delineates the history of the islands where Australia’s offshore detention centres are located, from the guano industry that reached its peak in the 19th century, the resulting migration of people, the Japanese occupation during WWII, to the current offshore incarceration issue.
Consisting of English/Japanese texts & poems, archival photographs printed using cyanotype technique, and images of the Australian bush, it highlights the interconnected histories of Australia, Japan, and the island-nations and regions across the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
textus: The creative duo of Haji Oh (artist) and Michiyo Miyake (writer/translator). It aims to explore the possibilities of collaborative work between makers of ‘textile’ and ‘text’ – both of which originate from the same Latin word texere, meaning ‘to weave’. The root ‘textus’ means ‘things woven or knitted’ in Latin. The fact that weaving and writing have a common semantic origin interested and inspired them to work together on this theme.
textus: オーストラリア在住の呉夏枝(美術作家)と三宅美千代(文筆家/翻訳者)からなる制作デュオ。textusはラテン語で 「織られたもの、編まれたもの」を意味する。〈テキスタイル〉と〈テキスト〉がともに「織る」という意味のラテン語texereを語源にもつことに着想を得て、共同制作を行なっている。
2023|240x 187x 5mm|50p
Keywords: Nauru/ Christmas Island/ Manus Island/ detention centres/ offshore incarceration/ ‘bare life’/ guano/ phosphate imperialism/ migration/ sea birds/ war memories/Japanese occupation/ POWs/ war crimes