Michiyo Miyake, Stare into My Fear|Poetry/Zine

This prose poem was inspired by Michiyo’s experience of attending live testimonials from former ‘comfort women’ of the Japanese military during WWII in 2010. Being confronted by the physicality of the event and the shock received listening first-hand was overpowering, leading her to write this poem.

Michiyo Miyake: Writer and translator, born in Japan and based in Australia. She hosts the translation duo UGUISU with Nicholas Marshall and the publishing label UGUISU BOOKS.


三宅 美千代:作家・翻訳者。日本出身、シドニー在住。最近著作、2011年の原発事故時東京での生活を記録した小説『GREEN METAL(2024)オーストラリアの難民収容所がある々の歴史をテーマにしたZINEspiral history:TIDE(2023, アーティスト呉夏枝共同制作) などがある

2024|100 x 200 x 0.25mm




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Kewords: hearing testimony,’comfort women’, Japanese colonisation, poetry zine

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