「『扇情主義の罠』に抗して——ハーレム·ルネサンスの作家から センベーヌ・ウスマンに引き継がれたパッシングの主題」(『ブラック・モダニズム——間大陸的黒人文化表象におけるモダニティの生成と歴史化をめぐって』吉澤英樹 編, 未知谷, 2015, 収録)
Senegalese filmmaker Sembène Ousmane’s Camp de Thiaroye (1988), a film about the massacre of colonial soldiers by French troops occurring near Dakar towards the end of World War II, includes a humorous portrayal of the conflation of the identities of a Senegalese solder and a black soldier in the US Army. This essay focuses on how Sembène adapted the theme of passing from the black literature of the United States in the 1920s and developed it in his own work.