「わたしの恐怖をみなければならない」 現代日本における「慰安婦」証言の受容 (『早稲田文学』2015年秋号, 抜粋の掲載)
‘Stare into My Fear’: Contemporary Japanese Narratives on the ‘Comfort Women’
This project examines the reception given within Japanese society to the testimonials of former ‘comfort women’ and focuses upon how accounts of the acts of cruelty and war crimes committed by Japanese soldiers in the Imperial Army have been received after the war. It is concerned with the question of how individuals have responded to these historical facts concerning the war crimes committed by the previous generation after they became publically known from the 1990s onwards. It demonstrates the variety of ways in which people have dealt with historical colonialism and its legacies. It consists of a poetic essay, the transcripts of the interviews and a journal.